With a small team of volunteers, I organised ‘Byre Film Nights’ - outdoor community film events in the 'Byre' in Duddingston village, on the back slopes of Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh. The byre is an old dairy building with a fascinating history, currently with no roof, it is open to the skies and stars above, making for a unique and interesting space for each film screening.

Volunteers from Edinburgh Tool Library working with community on a build day - photo by Jenny Elliott
Volunteers from Edinburgh Tool Library working with community on a build day - photo by Jenny Elliott

In addition to the film nights, I also pitched on behalf of the community for, and helped co-organise, a weekend build day in 2018 with Edinburgh Tool Library who helped to transform this space with additional seating, a potting garden shed, decking and signage using reclaimed wood and materials. This supports use of the byre for community events (including the film nights), as a space for garden volunteers to pot up plants and eat lunch together under cover, and to enable selling of produce from the community garden via a potting shed shop.

Below you can see my initial sketches, developed as part of my involvement in the local community group, to support the proposal and planning for the build day, photography and timelapse of the event itself, and a short film by UpHere Media on behalf of Edinburgh Tool Library about the build event. 

JennyElliott_DuddingstonByre_11 low res.jpg
Jenny Elliott The Byre Duddingston Build Day Sketches
The Byre Duddingston Film Nights and Community Build Day - event photography by Jenny Elliott
The Byre Duddingston Film Nights and Community Build Day
The Byre Duddingston Film Nights and Community Build Day - event photography by Jenny Elliott
The Byre Duddingston Film Nights and Community Build Day - event photography by Jenny Elliott
The Byre Duddingston Film Nights and Community Build Day - event photography by Jenny Elliott